Change to Change a Life of Orphans and Needy People

JAD Charity is an all-encompassing charity that provides necessary goods and services to those in need. We provide charitable services for orphans and needy people all throughout New Jersey and the globe. If you want to help someone who’s fallen on hard times, donate to JAD Charity today and change a life.

Call 201.234.2220 for more information about how you can help JAD Charity provide for the community.

Mission Statement

We’re at JAD charity holding effort to provide a change to as many lives as possible regardless to Race, Religion or gender identity no matter where you are in this world.

We are fighting poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, discrimination, homelessness, debt, injustice, deprivation or lack of skills and economic opportunities.

In addition, we are helping orphan around the world and to sponsor uplifting and cultural education and awareness. We believe that everyone can spare something that can be useful to other, so can you STOP and ask yourself:

  • How can I help and serve humanity? 
  • Can I teach someone something to be able to get access to a decent living with dignity in order to have a promising tomorrow?
  • Can I give some of my time to my community to help, teach or even transform our kids to enable a better today and promising future?
  • Or simply, can I spare some change that can CHANGE a life of an Orphan, or a needy person?

If you answered YES to any of those question, we proud to have a place for you with us

Connect With Us

At JAD Charity, we’re always looking for new ways to help out the less fortunate.

If you want to learn more about us, get involved or have suggestions for potential charitable activities and support, please call us at 201.234.2220 or send us a message.

Together we can CHANGE a life.

Contact Form - Home Page

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